Judith Cutler

No Harm, No Foul (previously Double Fault)

When I talk to reading or to writing groups, one question that often comes up is where I get my ideas from. I've got an ideas tree in my garden, of course. But I do have other sources. I play tennis. I don't do it well, but one person who tried his best to make me improve is Adam Swann, Cirencester Tennis Club's wonderful coach. It was he, or rather his daughter, who gave me the idea for Double Fault.

Complicated interpersonal politics on both an emotional and professional level take center stage in Cutler's solid fifth mystery featuring Det. Chief Supt. Fran Harman Publishers Weekly (US)

Adam holds regular tennis camps for youngsters. Children who seem barely big enough to hold even a mini-racquet learn lots of ball skills and have huge fun chasing about the courts.

One day, his daughter needed a drink, and headed to the club house. Fortunately for her, there were a lot of oldies like me looking out for her. Soon she was turned gently round and returned to her father. But then I asked myself what might have happened if someone else had been watching too.

I'm pleased to report that all in the Swann household are safe and well, and that Adam has been kind enough to accept the dedication of this book. So has Dougie Emmett, a man as kind and shrewd as his namesake in Double Fault. May we have many more happy years playing together.



Joffe Books


19 June 2024


Fran and Mark make a good team both inside their historic home and out in the field. Cutler's balance of high crime and cuddly domesticity.
Kirkus Review of Books

British-procedural fans will enjoy the latest installment in this series which offers a nice blend of crime and domestic life.