This was my first stand-alone crime book for new publisher, Allison and Busby. It also features a new heroine, Caffy Tyler, and a new location, Kent.
Caffy, like me, is a Midlander in exile, but apart from that and a love of reading I like to think we have very little in common. Ok, we both enjoy painting and decorating, and a half of Bishop's Finger. But our career paths are quite different.
Caffy's a tough but vulnerable young woman, feisty as they come. She works for Paula's Pots, an all-women team of decorators. When one day she sees through a window what all people in their profession dread - a dead body - the lives of the Pots are changed forever.
The book is dedicated to the team of painters who gave me the idea - Kate Emans and the Paint Pot Girls.
Allison & Busby
1 April 2004
…a good, solid read, with an intelligent and very likeable central character.
Up-to-date, sharp and witty, this novel hurtles along defying you to pause for breath.
South Wales Argus